Teachings and Sermons

This is what the website is all about. We have a huge number of tapes, both reel-to-reel and cassette, recording the anointed ministry of our brother Fred Dunn.

We want to share them with you. Please feel free to either listen online or download the files to listen later. They are big files so they take a while to download, but it enables you to listen to the word at a time or times to suit you.

If you want to hear what Mr Dunn taught on a specific subject, try the search box immediately below. We have attempted to include words and phrases in the individual sermon descriptions which give at least an indication of the content, but obviously the only way to appreciate them is to listen to them!

Full meeting, Sheffield, 21st May 1976

Complete Bethesda meeting. Chorus time led by Dennis B, testimonies, sermon (F W Dunn, "It is time to seek the Lord"), prayer time, solos and prophetic words

Sermon preached at Belfast Railway Mission 1972

Belfast Railway Mission, September 1972 at the height of the troubles. We are tried and tested. Many have rejected God - in England as well as in Ireland. We ought not to fear death since we will pass from life into a better life. God has provided a blessed portion for those who love Him, even in times like these. Concludes with Mrs Edith Dunn's testimony concerning the ministry at Bethesda. See 'Beginnings' page for more.

Sheffield 10th March 2001

God's ways are past finding out. He gets pleasure from those who seek to be like Jesus. The price of salvation. The precious blood of the Lamb. England claims to be a Christian country but Christians are afraid to talk about the things of God. If we suffer with Him we shall reign with Him. We should have compassion for others in this sin-sick world. How can we talk about Jesus and not be thrilled? The anointed Word of God in a time of famine.

Word given by Helen in Sheffield

Helen gave this word before Fred preached on Romans Chapter 5

Sermon Romans Chapter 5. Sheffield 1976

Romans 5 We can enter the presence of God by faith. Justified by Christ. We stand in grace. God is able to keep us. Tribulation and trials. God works them together for our good. Hope; boldness in the Holy Ghost to minister. If God is with us who can be against us? While we were sinners Christ died for us. God wants obedience. We are children of the resurrection. Joy through Jesus Christ. Death came by one man and by one man came life. Justification, sanctification, the abundant life.

Edith Dunn reads one of her poems

Another item from the Sheffield meeting 23rd April 1976


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